Monday, March 28, 2011


I was looking for a good quote to post here today. I looked up quotes on happiness, and that naturally led me to quotes on chocolates. (What? You don't see how that could happen??!) And then this quote popped up...

"Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get." Forrest Gump in "Forrest Gump" (1994)

That got me thinking - about life's ups and downs (not to mention, chocolate), and I decided that it's true - you never know what life will bring. Think about a big box of chocolates:

The first thing you do (if you're like me), is eat all of the square shaped pieces. Because, those are the chocolate covered caramels - and there is NOTHING better than that. Of course, in life, you pick out all the greatest, funnest, coolest things - first kiss, marriage, ideal job, babies, opera - you get the idea!

Next, you try to NOT pick out those pieces that are round, and kind of big - because you know that you'll bite into a chocolate-covered cherry. Yuck! Life has those too - job loss, death, disease, unhappiness.

So, you search and search through the remaining pieces, looking for something that might have a yummy surprise inside - sometimes you pick out a winner, and sometime, you get one that is just a variation on the chocolate cherry. But, does that stop you from trying again? Well.... NO! And, even those pieces that aren't that great still have chocolate on the outside, right?! So, there is something good there.

So, search through your box of chocolates - partake of the good stuff, and even a few of the not-so-good, share, and share more, and ENJOY your life! Even the chocolate-covered cherry parts.

(Since this is a breast cancer blog - I'd better mention the "In Moderation" part of chocolate. You girls know what I mean, right? Oh, and dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate. There - I feel better.)

OK, I need some chocolate!

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