Thursday, April 21, 2011

THURSDAY THOUGHTS - You have an equal chance to be honored...

At times during my life I have been guilty of comparing myself with others. I am sure that I am not alone because I imagine we all do this upon occasion. I have had thoughts like, "They make much more money than we do," or "She is in such good shape, just look at that figure...I don't trust anyone who is that thin!" Back in college or even high school, I envied those that did better on a test than I did because I studied really hard while others seemed to just breeze through everything. Sherry Dew said in one of her books that most of us do three things which make no sense. We compare, we compete and we categorize and none of these are productive trains of thought. I have to agree with her analogy 100%.

I found a quote by Archibald Rutledge which puts a wonderful twist on this topic. He says:

"You should remember that though another may have more money, beauty and brains than you, when it comes to the rarer spiritual values such as charity, self sacrifice, honor, and nobility of heart, you have an equal chance with everyone to be the most beloved and honored of all people."

I love this perspective because it is so healthy. At this time in our country when so many are struggling with the recession and other difficulties, we really don't have to look too far to find opportunities to give comfort and encouragement to those around us. Although I have wished upon occasion that I had more to give in a financial way to those who are hurting, I decided to make an effort to be the best at giving the things I CAN give. Sometimes a phone call, a note in the mail or even a smile and a hug can really make a person's day. Although I am training myself to be more aware of these situations, I have a long way to go, but I consider it a worthy goal to pursue.

I applaud the efforts of those who have organized this blog and this group formerly called Sister Survivors. They have given and continue to give so much to help those of us who have been humbled by the disease of Breast Cancer. Kara, Collete, and Bethanie... we love you all!!!!

Kathy Christensen

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