Monday, June 28, 2010


A cancer diagnosis can be a frightening thing. There is so much to deal with - physically and emotionally. Take a few minutes to write in your cancer journal about things that helped you get through the changes you have experienced or are experiencing...

Some suggestions:

Sharing your feelings with those who care about you. Talking about your diagnosis, treatments, and fears is helpful - don't bury those feelings.

Joining a support group. Sometimes, having people to talk to, who have gone through the same thing, is very helpful. Ask lots of questions - how did they cope, what did they find helpful, etc.

Exercising. Even though this can be very hard - especially during treatments, exercise can help you feel better. It can also help you feel more in charge of part of your life.

Volunteering. Save this for after your treatments. You don't want to wear yourself out. Take care of yourself first.

Trying to help someone else. Service is good therapy - good medicine! Serving others gives us the opportunity to think about something other than our illness.

Listening to beautiful music. Music can calm the troubled soul. Try it! Turn the lights down, put some soft music on and just concentrate on listening.

Praying or meditating. List everything you are thankful for.

Writing/blogging about your journey. Let those thoughts out of your mind and onto paper, where they can help someone. You'll learn lots of lessons during this journey - share them with those you love.

Try to find one or two positive things that help you feel better, and then make sure to go back to those things when you are feeling overwhelmed or depressed. Get to your "happy" place. Try to feel better.

Have a great week!

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