Saturday, June 26, 2010

STRONG SATURDAY - Benefits of Exercise

Regular exercise is important in many ways to your overall health. Benefits include...

1. helps keep you limber and strong
2. relieves stress and tension
3. helps elevate mood
4. stimulates the process of digestion, absorption, metabolism, and elimination
5. helps prevent osteoporosis
6. helps you sleep better
7. stimulates the brain, helping to improve memory and attention span
8. helps regulate weight
9. increases your sense of control and improves your self-esteem.

Studies show that regular exercise might even help to prevent certain forms of cancer. Many oncologists advise their patients to stay as active as possible during treatment. If you had a regular exercise program before diagnosis and treatment, try to maintain as much of your regimen as you can. If you were relatively inactive before, there are still some things you can do that will be beneficial to you...

Ordinary Activities to increase your level of activity:
1. walking
2. cleaning
3. making the bed
4. climbing the stairs
5. gardening

Even if you are confined to bed or a wheelchair, you can do some simple things to keep from getting weak and more fatigued. If you have your doctor's permission, try some of these exercises...

1. move your feet and wiggle your toes
2. raise your arms above your head
3. lift your legs
4. shrug your shoulders
5. do deep breathing exercises

Remember to: start slowly and build up gradually, begin with a light warm-up and end with a cool-down, and slow down or stop if it hurts or you get too tired.

**You need to check with your doctor before you begin ANY exercise program and ask if it is appropriate in your particular situation.

(information taken from chapter 8 of "Finding the "CAN" in Cancer" by Nancy Emerson, Pam Leight, Susan Moonan, and Terri Schinazi)

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