Tuesday, December 14, 2010

TUESDAY TIDINGS - A Breast Cancer Survivor's Blog...

I found a blog about a woman's breast cancer journey a little over a year ago that I really felt the need to follow. Why? Well, first, this woman was of the same faith I am, so many of the things she wrote about during her cancer journey resonated with me and touched me deeply. When I started reading her blog, she was close to the end of her cancer journey. She was diagnosed in 2007, and I found the blog at the end of 2009. One of the first things I read about was her decision to stop fighting the cancer with chemo, and live the rest of her life free from the complications chemo caused. This is the second reason I decided to follow her blog. I wanted to understand this decision she made. It was a tough one, and I'm not sure what I would have done in a similar situation. Another reason... her faith was so strong that it grabbed me and wouldn't let go. I found myself cheering for her, crying with her, hoping with her. And then came the day that I found out she had died. It was a hard thing for me to read about. She had several young children, and a wonderful husband - and I found myself wishing that she was still here. I don't think I've been as touched by any other blog as I have with Amber's.

Some of the things that I remember her saying...

"There are days when I long for heaven, and days when I long to stay here on Earth."

"I am trying to live well, and trying to die well. It is a difficult thing to do."

"I am a woman of faith, and I know that God's plan was not for me to beat my cancer. I know He has a purpose for calling me home early, and I know that I will be my children's guardian angel after I die."

It's been a year now since Amber Chase passed away, and I just stumbled on her blog again. So, I thought I'd share it with you. All of her writings are archived there - if you wish to read any of the posts, simply click on the archives, and the posts will show up down the left side of the blog.

Be aware that some of these posts can be difficult to read, especially if you are still going through your cancer journey. It is not my intent to upset anyone, or make things harder for anyone. So, if you think you need to wait awhile before visiting this blog, that's fine. However, it is very inspirational. Hopefully you'll find something in Amber's writings that will help you.


The blog address is: http://amberchase.weebly.com/our-blog.html

1 comment:

  1. Kara,

    I was checking something online and came across your blog with your thoughts on Amber's journey and blog. I am Amber's husband. I am so glad that people are still benefitting from what Amber decided to share. She would be so glad that her battle continues to resonate with those who are still battling. She was wonderful but real. She tried to be clear that sometimes the process of exercising faith and trusting in the Lord's will was a contact sport. Sometimes it hurt. Sometimes we don't trust or have all the faith we know we should, so we just keep trying until our all is made enough by the Savior.

    My children and I are doing very well and have been richly blessed over the last 18 months. Thank you for your kind words about Amber and for continuing to get the message out!

