Monday, February 7, 2011

MONDAY MEMOIRS - Cherry Red with Sparkles

Lately, I've been extremely stressed. There are several reasons that I won't go into here, but the bottom line is I'm STRESSED. I was like this before my cancer diagnosis and I promised myself I wouldn't get to this point again. So, last Saturday - while visiting St. George (the warmer part of Utah) and waiting for my husband to participate in a bike trip (60 miles), I went to a spa. (Isn't that a nice word? Spaaaaaaa.) I walked in and asked for a pedicure. I picked out a color for my toes that would make me happy - cherry red with sparkles. I sat in a really comfy chair that gave me a massage. And while the girl worked on my feet (soak, buff, trim, mask, massage, wax, and polish), I read my all time favorite blogs on my Nook. It was pure heaven! And for 45 minutes, I wasn't stressed at all. I loved every second of it. And look at my toes! Well, I would show you, but I can't find my camera card, so use your imagination - imagine a 1966 cherry red Ford Mustang convertible, with sparkles. That's what my toes look like. Doesn't the thought of that color just make you happy?!

All of Rick's friends had to see my toes after the bike ride - I got claps and whistles. Yes!

What do you do when you feel stressed about life? Is there something that helps to relieve that stress? Get your cancer journal out - and make a list of things that you can do when nothing else works to get rid of stress. Try something outrageous. Or expensive. You, my friend, are worth it!

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