Thursday, February 24, 2011


Because I am by nature a high strung person, I have found it helpful to try to slow down my pace a bit. It seems that I can get just as much done yet have a more peaceful outlook on life. One of my favoite authors, Richard Carlson, gives the following advice about "sitting still:"

"Sitting still gives you an opportunity to clear your mind and reflect, a chance for inspiration to arise....What sitting still does for us is give us a chance to break any negative momentum that has built up during the day, an opportunity to regroup and start over. As you sit still and your mind quiets down, it's often the case that an answer to a problem will pop up in your head, as though it came out of the blue. For some reason, the act of sitting still and quieting down has a calming effect on the nervous system that tends to bring forth wisdom and insight."

It seems that most of us progress through life at a frantic pace. When I was younger I used to think that the more I got done, the better person I matter what the emotional cost was to me. Thinking back on this now, I realize how silly it was. I am much kinder to myself now. When I am tired, I rest; I don't schedule my activities so tightly together; There are times when I allow myself to "Just Be" for a while. I can honestly tell you that life is much sweeter. I am learning to take life in stride and "go with the flow."

So go ahead....give yourself a break....a little time to sit still, to think, to "Just Be".... take a breath and decompress a bit. I am sure that you, like me, will find this practice worth the effort and your family will notice a difference as well. It is a win-win proposition for everyone involved.

Kathy Christensen
Guest Blogger

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