Monday, February 21, 2011

MONDAY MEMOIRS - Recovering From Surgery...

I haven't updated this blog for week or so, mostly because I've been trying to recover from a surgery I had on the 11th of this month. As I've thought about what I want to write today, I've been reflecting on how hard it is to recover from a surgery. No matter what kind of surgery you are having - even if it's just a minor surgery - your body needs the time to recover.

Recovery includes the big things - time to allow the drains to do what is needed, time for incisions to bond and stitches to either be taken out or dissolve, etc.

Recovery also includes the smaller things - time to get pain under control, to sleep, to get your body working normally again.

My recovery has been pretty typical. I've had to live with sponge baths instead of showers, emptying drains that are still in after 11 days, the pain that has been a little hard to control. I've slept a ton, tried to get up and walk around several times a day, and learned to get comfortable in a recliner instead of my bed.

Through all of this, I've learned a few things that have really helped me:

1. Keep a record of all medications and the times they were taken. This is especially helpful when dealing with pain meds. During this recovery, I've had to taken several medications - an antibiotic, an anti-nausea med, stool softeners, a blood thinner, and 2 different kinds of pain meds. I've written down the amount, and the time I've taken each pill. The more medications you have to take, the harder it is to remember everything. A pen and paper really helps.

2. For sponge bathing - keep the following supplies on hand: baby wipes (Huggies wipes are super thick and smell pretty good), a washcloth and some liquid soap, a towel, body powder, deodorant, perfume, and a change of clothing. Keep all of these things in one bathroom, so you don't have to gather them each time you "bathe".

3. DO NOT forget to take stool softeners. Start a few days before your surgery (with your doctor's permission), and continue while you recover. I've found that it doesn't matter how "major" your surgery was - it will screw up your system.

4. My surgery this time was on my lower body, and I've found that having a walker has really helped. Even though I'm supposed to get up and walk around several times a day, it really helps to use a walker, because I'm still dizzy, and I quickly get tired. Being able to rest by leaning on a walker has been so helpful.

5. I've been confined to a recliner since my surgery - it's easier to get up from a recliner than a bed. Right before my surgery, I bought a small table on wheels - it's technically a computer table. It's big enough to hold all of the supplies I need, and it tilts, which is nice when I use a computer. As I mentioned, it has wheels, which helps me move it around easily. Here a list of things that I've found important to have near me (in this case, on my table)...
a. Water bottle - I am drinking TONS of water!
b. Clipboard with paper and pen for recording my meds, and drain totals
c. A few magazines, and books. I've actually got a Nook sitting here beside me. So, I've got a whole library of reading material within inches on my chair.
d. Snacks - mine include crackers, pretzels, and little candies.
e. A laptop computer - this is a must for me. It's the way I keep connected to the world. In my busy life, I rarely have time to just play on the computer. But, since I've been recovering, I've had fun looking up all my favorite stores, information on things I've always wanted to know, emailing, reading blogs, etc.
f. Phones - both my house phone and my cell phone (with chargers) are right here next to me.
g. A smaller container with all of my meds inside. This helps keep them organized and within reach.
h. iPod - music can be soothing and help with healing. I've got hundreds of artists on my iPod. I can listen to whatever music I'm in the mood for.
g. A TV. I rarely watch TV in my normal life - I just don't have time. But, the remote is next to me, and I've taken time to watch some things I enjoy - HGTV, cooking shows, movies. I've been able to get onto my Netflix account, and watch movies on my computer, which has been nice, too.
h. Pillows - I've got pillows to prop up my feet, pillows to tuck around me, and a pillow to hug.
i. A down throw - it seems like I'm always cold, so it's nice to cuddle up with a comfy blanket.

Well, that's my list of necessities. You might have your own list. Take a few minutes to write down a list of things you've found work for you during recovery. And then, share your list with others.


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