Thursday, June 16, 2011

THURSDAY THOUGHTS - All Peachy in Some Way

A long time ago (36 years to be exact) I heard a talk in [church] that I wrote down and immediately committed to memory. I suspect that I must hold the record on this because I many times cannot remember from week to week the subjects that are spoken about. The young girl who gave the talk was obviously scared to death. She was nervous, squirming, her voice cracked and I am sure she was greatly relieved when the talk was over. I wonder how pleased she would be now to know what a profound affect her words have had on me over these many years. She quoted a poem that reads as follows:

"You cannot change your nature, it's far beyond your reach;
If you were born a lemon, you'll never be a peach;
There's the law of compensation and that's the law I preach;
You can always squeeze a lemon, but can only squash a peach!

Now why did that little poem resonate with me so much on that day so long ago? As I analyzed this situation, I think it is because as a young girl I felt like a lemon a good deal of the time. Like many of us, I at times felt that I didn't fit in or that I did not have much to offer. This poem helped me to realize that each of us has something to offer if we look hard enough. Thankfully we are all unique and we give in different ways.

For instance, I have never been good at sewing or decorating, BUT I was raised in a very musical family so I can direct music and sing in choirs with no problem and I enjoy doing so. I was also quite shy by nature, but over the years have tried to be more outgoing. As a result, I have many friends who have been a wonderful support to me in my life. In school, I usually did fairly well, but I really had to hit the books, while I knew others who seemed to breeze through with very little effort. I also became involved in a variety of activities that helped me develop in various ways. As a result of these and other experiences I learned that each of us can give and help in ways that are unique to us and the gifts that we have been given. Even in Sister Survivors, I felt badly that I cannot attend more of the meetings. I work full time and have found since my Cancer experience that I must rest in the evenings because my energy level is not what it used to be. Sooooo, when Kara said she needed help with the Thursday Thoughts on the blog, I thought to myself, "I love to write and this is a way that I can contribute."

This is my 26th entry and I love doing it because it keeps me on the alert for something positive to share each week.

So, my fellow Sister Survivors, NONE of you are lemons! You each have gifts to share in your own special way. Truth be told, I think we are ALL on a journey of discovery so don't sell yourselves short.....I think as we look closely we can see that we're all "peachy" in some way or other!

Kathy Christensen
Guest Blogger
Sister Survivor

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