Thursday, July 7, 2011

THURSDAY THOUGHTS - Breathes Peace To Our Souls

Guest Post:

"This thought comes from Don Piper entitled “90 Minutes in Heaven.” He actually died, went to Heaven for a short time then returned and became the “Minister of Hope,” speaking all across the country assuring others that Heaven is real and the best is yet to come. This excerpt has some unique references to the Holy Spirit that resonated with me:

“ In this life we all have bad times. Stress, sickness, disappointments and heartaches. Most of us, especially if we’re Christians, would also say that we have had more good times than bad. We can trust that the best is yet to be. The proof we have, in the words of the apostle Paul, is that God has given us the Holy Spirit as a token or a down payment. It’s like earnest money in a real estate deal. The gift of the Holy Spirit is like writing us a promissory note for fulfillment when we reach the gates of heaven. At times all of us have down times and even moments of despair, but we don’t have to stay down. That’s the difference between us and those who never know the true joy of the Christian experience."

"James Faust also shares the following thoughts about the Holy Spirit. He says that, “It calms nerves and breathes peace to our souls. It can be with us 24 hours a day during our most stressful times.” I want to add my witness that the Holy Spirit has encouraged and sustained me when nothing else could. I know that it is a source of strength for each of us if we humble ourselves enough to be open to its guidance. I am sure that countless Cancer survivors know this as well as I do. I can’t imagine my life without this most significant gift. When we listen to the promptings we receive from this source, we can also be of great help to those around us; we become instruments in God’s hands. I honestly feel that those who started the Sister Survivors group were very in tune with the Holy Spirit. They have helped so many of us and in turn we have caught the vision as we continue to help and encourage each other."

Kathy Christensen
Guest Blogger
Sister Survivor

Thanks for your words of encouragement, Kathy. This group really is something special!

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