Thursday, July 14, 2011

THURSDAY THOUGHTS - Living From Your Heart


"I remember my husband telling me once to listen to my heart when making decisions. He told me that our braindgets so overloaded that many times our thinking gets clouded. He continued to tell me that "your heart will never lie to you, whereas your brain is often influenced by things that are currently happening in your life."

I recently found a quote by one of my favorite authors, Richard Carlson, which seconds this most wonderful concept:

'Living from your heart means that you choose a life and style that are true for you and your family. It means you make important decisions because they resonate with your heart and your own values, and not necessarily with those of others. Living from your heart means that you trust your own instincts more than the pressures from advertising or the expectations of society, neighbors and friends.

Living from your heart is about trusting that quiet voice within you that emerges when you quiet down enough to listen. It's that voice that speaks to you from a place of wisdom and common sense instead of from frantic chatter and habit. When you trust your heart rather than your habits, new insights will pop into your mind. As you learn to live from your heart you will become calmer, happier, and less stressed. you will be living your life instead of everyone else's.

The way to live more from your heart is to commit to doing so. Ask yourself questions like, "How do I really want to live my life?" Am I following my own path or am I doing things simply because I've always done them this way, or because I am living up to someone else's expectations?" Then simply quiet down and listen. Rather than trying to come up with an answer, see if you can allow the answers to come to you as if out of the blue.

Living from your heart is one of the foundations of inner peace and personal growth. It will encourage you to be kinder and a great deal more patient. Give it a try. You'll be surprised, even delighted, at what you might discover.'

I feel that cancer patients learn to do this more than most other people. They are driven to, because of living with CANCER (very probably the most feared word in the English language.) Kudos to all of you as you make this journey with courage, determination and tenacity. Living from your hearts gives you peace along the way and enables you to reach out and help others as you go along.

Kathy Christensen
Guest Blogger
Sister Survivor

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