Monday, November 29, 2010

MONDAY MEMOIRS - The Christmas Season...

I was going through chemo during the Christmas season of 2008. In fact, it worked out that I had 2 chemo treatments that December. I'm normally a "Christmas" person - I decorate a ton, love to shop, and generally get very into the holiday spirit. I love to attend things like Festival of Trees, and love to drive around looking at Christmas lights. I remember that year - I just didn't have the strength to do any decorating, or attend anything. My sister came and decorated for me, and I had help taking things down after the holidays. I didn't do any baking that year, and I really just had to rely on others to help make the holidays special for my family. My parents took me out shopping, and even did some of the shopping for me.

A few things that helped - I did most of my shopping online. It was better for me, because I didn't want to go out around crowds. I accepted help from others, and learned about that wonderful thing called charity. Everyone understood that I couldn't do things I normally did.

As I run around this year, trying to get ready for Christmas, my thoughts go back to 2008. It was a hard time for me. This weekend, as I tried to decorate my 12 foot Christmas tree by myself, I remembered that I couldn't even put this tree up in 2008. I just didn't have the strength. I still didn't have the strength to do it last year. This year, my kids helped me, and there it is - my beautiful tree! I still need help to keep up with everything, but I'm slowly and surely getting back to my old "Christmas" self.

Today, take a minute to sit down and write in your cancer journal...

How did you get through the holidays when you were sick? What kinds of things help to make that time easier? Who helped? What did you miss being able to do?

And finally...

Count all of your blessings - being alive to enjoy the Christmas season is one of my biggest blessings!

Merry Christmas!


1 comment:

  1. Sister Survivors,
    One of my classmates, Sarah, has been in contact with you. We have continued with our project on the improved support group website. We have a presentation on it for our class and would like you to attend. The presentation will be a part of the presentations for all of the groups in our class. The presentation will be on Thursday night the9(th of Dec from 7-9pm. It will be located in 3108 of the JKB on BYU campus. We hope that you will be able to make it.
    Autumn Gardner
